Thursday, July 29, 2010


Guys make no sense and take with out meaning or trying to. They are almsot all the same. I don't know if the size you up and lable you as an easy target or if everything is a coincendence and the way things work out. But everytime you meet a good guy and think you may have found a great friend they are unintentionally using you, even for something as simple as company on a Tuesday night. They always tell you how amazing you are and that you are a great amazing person but when it comes down to it there is always someone else in their life, usually an ex they aren't over who you will never match up to and occasionally they just want to have you around to "have their cake and eat it too." They will build you up an unintentonally tear you down in the worst way, leaving you to doubt yourself and wonder what is so wrong with you that someone who is abusive, unavailabe physically or emotionally or takes them for granted is better than you. The funny thing is you know the next day you will somehow put yourself in a position to be hurt becasue who wants to miss out on anything good in life or become a walled off person to avoid being hurt, you miss out on something good in life. At the end of the day I'd rather be a better person for knowing someone for a little while. Besides who wouldn't want to be able to say the majority of the guys who hit on you are drunk, high, on morphine you administered on the ambulace or have you marked as an easy target cause you have a kid. Gotta laugh through life to survive right?

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